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The Many Benefits Of CBD Facial Scrub

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CBD seems like it is everywhere these days! You can find CBD vape products, edibles, and even tinctures. One product that is a bit newer, but starting to appear in stores, is CBD facial scrub. These scrubs are often intended to be used once or twice per week as an addition to your regular beauty routine. But what are their benefits? Take a look.


Exfoliation is an important part of any skincare routine. While you do not want to exfoliate daily, as that would be hard on your skin, you should exfoliate a few times per week to remove dead skin cells and reveal the softer, more vibrant skin below. A CBD facial scrub can be a great exfoliant to use. Most are formulated to offer some scrubbing action, so they effectively remove that dead skin. However, the CBD keeps the product from being too harsh and helps keep your skin calm and soothed while you are scrubbing.

Relief from dryness

Dry skin can be quite annoying. Exfoliating will help get rid of the flakes, but you also need some ingredients to add back some moisture. CBD is a good ingredient for that. Not only is it moisturizing, but it also helps relieve inflammation ā€” and inflammation is at the heart of many dry skin cases. You will get lasting relief from dryness with a CBD product, not just temporary relief like you get with many moisturizers.

Easing redness

Redness in the skin is often the result of inflammation. The redness may be triggered by sun exposure, dryness, or harsh products, but it does mean that your skin is inflamed and angry. As mentioned above, CBD scrubs are calming and they help relieve inflammation, so using one often will allow your redness to subside.

Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines

Wrinkles and fine lines can really age you. Exfoliating, in general, can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and using a CBD scrub to exfoliate will help even more. The CBD helps make your skin softer and plumper, and soft, plump skin does not show wrinkles as well. You may have to use it a few times before you experience profound results, but it's worth it.

CBD facial scrub can have so many great benefits. Add one of these scrubs to your routine once or twice per week, and enjoy happier skin with less redness and fewer wrinkles.

For more information on CBD facial scrubs, reach out to a local natural health care store.
