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Common Questions About Taking An Allicin Supplement For Pinworms

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If you or someone in your home has had pinworms, you might be thinking of taking an allicin oil supplement. This is a common, over-the-counter remedy for pinworms. The good news is that it is quite effective and can get rid of pinworms in a few short days, delivering the relief you've been waiting for. But you might still have some of the following questions before using it.

Does allicin oil taste bad?

That depends on your taste preferences. Allicin oil is derived from garlic, and it tastes like garlic. If you enjoy garlic, then you probably won't mind the flavor of the oil at all, although you may want to use some mouthwash after you take it. If you think the flavor will bother you, then you can always look for encapsulated allicin oil instead of a liquid preparation with a dropper.

How long should you take the allicin oil?

Most people find that their bottoms stop itching from pinworms just a few days after they start taking allicin oil. However, you should not stop taking the supplement at this stage. Check the bottle for instructions as to how long to keep taking it. Most bottles will tell you to keep taking the supplement until the bottle is empty, which can take several weeks or even a month. This longer treatment period ensures that you kill all of the pinworm eggs so you don't end up with more adult pinworms bothering you.

Are there any side effects of allicin oil?

Some people do experience mild side effects when taking allicin oil. The most common ones are burping, upset stomach, and heart burn. If you experience these symptoms after taking allicin oil, make sure you take it with a meal. Do not lie down for a few hours after taking it. If needed, you can take an antacid medication a few hours after taking your allicin oil.

If you take any prescription medications, check with your doctor before taking allicin oil. It can interfere with the action of certain meds, such as blood thinners, so it is best to check for potential interactions before starting treatment.

With these questions answered, you should be better prepared to take allicin oil as a remedy for pinworms. Whether you take a liquid or an encapsulated form of this remedy, it should not be very long before you get relief. Talk to a doctor or natural healer to learn more about pinworm allicin oil dietary supplements
