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4 Natural Remedies For Headaches

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If you have a headache, what do you do? Most people reach for a bottle of pain relievers and take a couple, perhaps with a glass of water. This approach often works, but pain relievers can have unwanted side effects, like stomach irritation. Have you considered taking a more natural approach to headache care? Here are four natural remedies to explore.

Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium is a mineral that everyone needs in their diet. Many people do not get enough. When you take magnesium, it can help relax sore and tired muscles. This can help ease the tension in the muscles of your head and neck, which can, in turn, help ease your headache. A good form of magnesium to take is magnesium citrate. It is easily absorbed and acts quickly.


Another way to ease the neck and head tension that often leads to headaches is through massage. Have your partner or a friend rub your neck, followed by your temples and forehead. If there is not anyone around to massage you, then try doing a self-massage. The easiest way to do this is when laying back in a reclined, seated position. Start with long, gentle strokes and work your way towards shorter, stronger ones.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has a very relaxing, soothing property to it. You can apply the oil to your temples, and it will help fight stress and the headaches resulting from it. Make sure you dilute the eucalyptus oil with an equal part of a milder carrier oil, such as almond oil or canola oil. You can also diffuse the oil into the room around you and simply enjoy the scent.

Cold Compress

A cold compress can help alleviate inflammation, which is often at play, especially in headaches that cause pain towards the back of the head. Use an ice pack wrapped in a towel, or a bag of peas. Hold the compress against the base of your neck where it meets your head for about 20 minutes. You can repeat this process throughout the day to keep the headache from returning. 

Headaches can almost be treated without the need for pharmaceutical pain relievers or other strong medications. If you would like to learn more about these remedies or explore other natural changes in diet and lifestyle that could improve your health and ease headaches, get in touch with a naturopath or healer in your area. 

For more information, contact a companies like Arcana Empothecary.
